Sunday, November 16, 2008

Haven't given up on this site.

It's been a while, but my quest to build a DYI tube amp has yet to relent.

Since my last update I have opted to scrap a faithful re-build of the MA-17 I was going to do earlier. Many of the tubes from that amp aren't even manufactured any more. I could find spares on Ebay, but that whole process would just complicate things. So much so that I gave up. What have I done since?

I'm going to go with the Fender Tweed Deluxe schematic. According to Wikipedia, it was initially designed to be a real clean amp, but failed drastically. Consequently though, the rich tone the amp did put out became a favorite of guitarist the world over. Count me in as one of em. If you're curious about the tone than follow the jump.

Nice, huh? At least, I think so.

That's why I ordered the kit from from Triode Electronics. They use good parts and allow you to buy just the components. So if anyone out there is like me and doesn't need a new chassis this works just great. Keeps things cheaper too.

As for that chassis...

I'm still using the old Masco chassis from the pictures on here. Except I've painstankingly scraped all the paint from it and sanded down the metal to give it a nice, polished metal look. Well, not fully polished, but more of a semi-polished, weatherd vintage vibe. I'll get some pictures up when I think of it.

So there you have it. That's my plan and I should be getting the parts sometime next week. Once they come I can dig into this project and I'll update this site accordingly. Until then, later.